Section: Dissemination

Scientific Animation

  • Marc Bocquet is a member of the INSU/LEFE MANU scientific commitee.

  • Marc Bocquet is a member of the Scientific Council of the CERFACS institute in Toulouse, France.

  • Marc Bocquet is Associate Editor of the Quaterly Journal of the Royal Meteorological Society.

  • Marc Bocquet co-organised the LEFE-MANU workshop “Que peuvent attendre les modélisateurs de l'assimilation de données ?” with Frédéric Chevallier and Jacques Verron,12 February 2013, Inria, Paris, France.

  • Marc Bocquet co-organised the symposium “Open session on Data Assimilation” with Jacques Blum, and Olivier Talagrand. MCPIT 2013, GDRE ConEDP, Insitut Henri Poincaré, Paris, France, 19 November 2013.

  • Isabelle Herlin is a member of the Scientific Council of CSFRS (High Council for Strategic Education and Research in France).

  • Isabelle Herlin is a member of the program committee of DIGITEO, french research cluster in science and technology of information.

  • Isabelle Herlin is a member of the Scientific Council of OSU-EFLUVE.

  • Isabelle Herlin is a member of Evaluation Committee at Inria.

  • Isabelle Herlin co-organised a session on operational oceanography in the European Geosciences Union General Assembly 2013 (EGU2013), 07-12 April 2013, Vienna, Austria.

  • Isabelle Herlin is a member of the scientific committee of the conference “Image Sequence Analysis for Object and Change Detection”, organized by the International Society for Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing (ISPRS).